Looking for an installer?
Solar Vikings
Tel.: +31 6 22 43 44 78
Email: info@solarvikings.com

Trained Installers
One doesn’t just become a Solar Viking. Our solar installers are trained in different systems.

Extensive Experience
Our portfolio consists of a wide variety of installation systems and roofs.

Professional Installation
We’re only satisfied with professional and attractive looking installed systems. Details matter.
Throughout the country
With our flexible team we tackle assignments throughout almost all of the Netherlands. We are also available to Flanders.

Correct way of installation
A clear string distribution and correct way of laying cables already prevents the most common problems with solar panels.
Taking the customer into account
It is important for companies to be able to continue their work as well as possible. Our teams are professional and coordinate important matters well.

We Vikings are a bit more responsible now
Throughout the centuries we survived many battles and sea storms. Now, we vikings have become more responsible and focus on installing a sustainable world.
Below you’ll find a selection of our completed projects.

1118 panels
Roof: Corrugated Sheets
System: SolarStell
Nijkerk, Gelderland
On behalf of:

4550 panels
Roof: PVC
System: iFIX & SolarStell
Rhenen, Utrecht
On behalf of:

1000 panels
Roof: Corrugated Sheets
System: K2 & SolarStell
Wagenborgen, Groningen
On behalf of:

1185 panels
Roof: Steel & PVC
System: SolarStell
Amersfoort, Utrecht
On behalf of:

120 panels
Roof: Corrugated Sheets
System: SolarStell
Soest, Utrecht
On behalf of:

620 panels
Roof: Steel
System: SolarStell
Soest, Utrecht
On behalf of: